We are 501 (c) 3 | Based in California, USA EIN number 13-1837418

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of Moonlight Humanity Foundation is to help indigenous, displaced, and impoverished people from around the world regardless of race, color, religion, and disability with an emphasis on assisting women and children by providing access to sanitation, education, and emergency relief.

We have committed to support children to learn English, Math, and their local language by hiring one teacher per village to care and look after those orphans in their villages, camps, and countries.
The teacher will select the orphans and the poorest children in the village who are willing to learn; they then come to the teacher’s home to learn every day. Teachers also provide food and coaching to the students, so they can be a productive person in society.

Moonlight Humanity aims to bring attention and care towards a society of the voiceless. Our vision is to help address the basic humanitarian needs of displaced indigenous people by providing access to clean water and an education. The name Moonlight Humanity reflects the intention of shedding a light of love and hope over these forgotten people.

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Yasmeen Thanh was born in a Cham village in Vietnam-Champa. She is part of the minority, indigenous ethnic groups of Vietnam, Yasmeen is trilingual in Cham, Vietnamese, and English. She came to America in 1993 and is a graduate from San Jose State University with Fine Arts and a minor in Business Management, and Teaching. She has worked as an educator and in the tech field in Silicon Valley. She is passionate in helping minority children and woman around the world focusing on education.  To read about her people and what they had been through, You will know why she started Moonlight Humanity to help minority around the world regardless of race, color and religion especially those who have been through persecution or disaster. 

Zakat, Sadaqa,Orphans, Water, Solar, Most Needy. Please click on the donation button.

Many children do not have access to school and clean water. Their cycle of poverty and abuse is endless until Moonlight Humanity arrives and shed light, hope, love, peace and guidance.


 Thank you for your donation!


Our Programs and Cost Information

Orphans and Elderly Care $10/person monthly
School supplies $25-$50 a year
Food distribution $40 quarterly
Clean Water $300-$1000 a well
Ramadan Food packages $15-$25
Iftar sponsor per masjid $150
Qurban-Aqiqa and Sadaqa as goat or cow

It costs
$5 to $10 dollars a month to sponsor a child from 1-5 grade. $10-$15 dollars a month to sponsor a child from 6-12 grade. $20-$40 to sponsor college student a month.


Countries Currently Serve

Countries we currently serve are Cambodia, Vietnam-Champa, Rohingya refugees in Asia, China, and Palestine.
We choose these countries to help because they have many minority that are forgotten, the children have been through disaster for many centuries, left behind with many orphans and barrier for younger generation to succeed. We have trusted MH members on the ground.

Yes, We focus on the forgotten and underserve communities in the world.


Your money at work

We have built 150 water wells.

1000 illiterate orphans and underserve children now can read.
not only reading their local langue but English as a job skills.

100% of your donation go directly to the projects. We do not pay anyone salary since 2010. However, we are looking for sponsorship for a paid salary as part time or full time for our staffs. Please contact us if you would like to sponsor a salary for workers in USA.

In 2010 we supported more than 90 disadvantaged children. Eight years after that in 2018 we supported more than 700 children and in 2019 we have supported 1,000 children.


The Goals and Collaboration

In addition, our future goal for the year 2025 is to support more than 15,000 disadvantaged children and orphans around the world.

We are open to collaborate and work with our donor and supporters and organizer, we provided neccesasry informations, you may have for the people you would like to serve.

We have distributed toys and food for children in Yemen, Syria, Africa and Pakistan children through our volunteers and partners.

Help us to make the world a better, safer, and a brighter place for these helpless children in the world. Join us to make a noticeable change.